Do you choose the road less traveled? We do, find out why we get off the beaten path ASAP!
We don't intentionally try to break the rules but sometimes nature calls..... and in some cases we prefer to ask for forgiveness rather than to ask for permission. 😉🙄
Here are a few reasons why we choose the road less traveled every day at Green Maya:
1). Wildlife are not into hanging around a bunch of loud, inconsiderate humans. To avoid us they go deeper into nature. Since we like to observe wildlife in their natural settings, giving them plenty of space with peaceful, tranquil energy to do as they do... we must go where no human has gone before!.... OK, maybe not that deep into the wilderness but we definitely avoid the crowded locations on our personal holidays and on Green Maya tours to witness animals in the wild.
2) Where there is a lot of traffic (foot or vehicle), there will be negative impacts to the environment. The flora and fauna must adapt their lives around us humans and our crazy ways. Sadly many species of both flora and fauna are not able to adapt and they become extinct. Imagine it the other way around, what if all the plants turned into versions of Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors and all the animals started behaving like the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm... what if? We prefer to protect the natural world and help to preserve their homes, even if that means receiving unwanted guests at times, such as the tarantula that came into our home last week. It's like they know where to come for refuge- Thanks to Jorge. YIKES!!
3) We really like the feeling of being in solitude and in balance directly with nature. It's like a ONE-ON-ONE therapy session with Mother Nature. Have you ever sat in a field only of wild flowers? or hiked through a forest or jungle with no foot paths? or swam in a body of water without boats or people? or slept under the stars on a empty beach? There is something magical that happens, you can physically feel the connection of your body and spirit to the natural world. If you listen closely, you can even hear nature's whispers. (yes my kids think I've gone mad, but it's true- I talk to the trees 🌲🌲)
4) If we follow the same path that everyone else has taken, we will only discover what they already have discovered. Getting off the beaten path gives us the opportunity to discover things before it becomes ecologically changed or worse, commercialized.
indeed There is a time and a place in our lives for the booze cruise holidays, however eventually we must grow up, become more responsible with our actions and learn that sipping mimosas from a reusable container while bird watching is perfectly acceptable fun. 🥂
Off the beaten path with Green Maya Tulum
As always we would love to hear from you. If you have a comment, a question or a correction to any of the content in the post- PLEASE do me a favor and share in the comments section below.
Many blessings,
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
Sara @ Green Maya Tulum
Ecotourism that combines nature, spirit, and culture to deliver the ultimate guided outdoor experience.
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