What is Spirituality, and Why is it Essential for Your Mental Wellness?
My altar has many spiritual beliefs represented, and that’s because I feel a connection with all of them.
I have been thinking about what I wanted to write this week for a few days, and I started to panic last night because I know I have to have something by the weekend to share with my readers. I told myself last night at 10:45 pm when I turned my computer off, “I will wake first thing in the morning, sit at my altar, meditate, and write about the first thing that comes to mind.” Because I have a spiritual practice, and I was able to trust in the divine magic, I could sleep last night knowing spirit would have my back and something would show me the way.
I woke in the morning and followed through with my rituals; low and beheld, it happened! The idea came to me.
What is spirituality? For me, it’s the belief, practice, faith, or cultural connection that helps you sleep at night. Spirituality is non-denominational, meaning everyone is welcome to the party. If you are not hurting nature, animals, or people, I have no judgment about your choice. If you feel like others are judging you about your spiritual practices, stay away from those people because YOU NEED SPIRITUALITY. Spirit is personal. It is your journey to explore, and I will share some personal suggestions below for you to take out for a test drive.
My story is not that important in the grand scheme of life, but the point I want you to take from it is that it helped me to sleep without worry. If you have a regular spiritual practice, challenges don’t stand a chance of turning into mental illness. It doesn't matter the level of the challenge; if you believe in something bigger than yourself, you will weather the storm much better than a ship with a broken navigation system.
For some of you, the idea of spirituality reminds you of the organized religion that your parents forced upon you, and it doesn’t feel right. For others, juju magic with crystals, sage, meditation, and ceremony doesn’t do it for you, and the traditional practices from childhood feel more comfortable. That is ok! It’s your truth, your practice, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It is whatever helps you to sleep at night.
If you are unsure of what you believe in or trust, the only way to know is to try new things and find the practices that speak to you. It doesn’t have to be one denomination; it can be a mix of methods. Like me, look at my altar above!
Here are my Spirituality Inspiring Suggestions:
Build an altar, a sacred space to put little stuff that means something special to you. Some ideas: gifts, crystals/stones, jewelry, photo, poem or letter, instruments, nature, and figurines. Add candles for ambiance. There are no rules except to make it your sacred space to sit in meditation, prayer, or a quick place to reconnect to you.
Start a regular yoga practice. Once or twice a week is great, and 3-4 times is exceptional. Start with an introductory class until you learn the postures with your body. Then branch out and try different styles. Yoga helps you connect your breath to your body movement, and alignment is key.
3. Learn to do breathwork. Take 10 mins every day to practice breathwork. Try a new style daily and choose your favorites to incorporate into your lifestyle. When you feel any elevated emotion, breathwork is your best friend.
4. Try a native ceremony. But before jumping on the DMT (Ayahuasca, Bufo Alvarius, Dimethyltryptamine) bandwagon, find your local sweat lodge, temazcal, or fireplace. I know of one just outside of Los Angeles, and I work with the best Abuela de Temazcal in Yucatan, Mexico. Share below if you know of others. Kundalini yoga is also a great way to reach dimensions outside of the one we live in without substances.
Something to know: The demand for the sacred medicines I mentioned above is causing harm to the producers (humans and wildlife) to obtain the medicines. If you want to go deep and participate in a medicinal ceremony, CONFIRM you are working with authentic medicine people. Shamans have to spend many years learning as an apprentice and given permission to guide the ceremonies by the elders.
5. Find your healers. They are coming out of the woodwork these days because we need them more than ever. Try all the alternative therapies that cross your path. It can be in the form of music, dance, women’s and men’s circles, sound baths, reiki, aura reading, past life regression, guided meditations, Ayurveda, masseuse,... AND, of course, The Reconnect Retreats at The Green Maya Project. :)
Are you looking for a vacation that includes spirituality? YOU FOUND US!
Check out our Reconnect Retreats and save your spot.
Message us here to design a custom spiritual retreat experience for you and your group.
Many Blessings, Sara Renshaw @ The Green Maya Project
P.S. Nature heals. Get some today.
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